Graphic Enclosure for Butterfly Bay at Nickelodeon Universe

Environmental Graphics



Adobe Illustrator, Trimble SketchUp

This project involved creating a large graphic pattern for the Butterfly Bay exhibit at Nickelodeon Universe. The design needed to reflect the natural habitat of the butterfly species on display, while also being visually engaging for visitors. Extensive research was conducted to ensure that the pattern was both functional and aesthetically pleasing. The final design features a floral pattern with a variety of natural elements creating a beautiful backdrop for the exhibit.

The graphic pattern was printed on large panels and installed on the enclosure surrounding the exhibit, providing a safe and comfortable environment for the butterflies. The end result is a stunning display that enhances the beauty of the exhibit and provides an enjoyable experience for visitors. This project showcases the importance of design in creating functional and visually appealing environments for both people and the creatures they come to see.

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